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12 December 2023 marked the birth of SheLeadsTech Athens. The event took place at the Hellenic American Union Auditorium, in Athens Greece.

THEME: Empowering Women in Cyber Professions Workforce. Therefore, the launch of SheLeadsTech Athens was geared towards building a diverse and inclusive workforce in Greece to provide resources, networking, mentorships, advocacy, educational events, and other services to support and empower women in Greece to participate and lead in cybersecurity careers.

The event started with a speeches from the Niko Drakos -Chapter president, Stella Tsitsoula – Co-founder Women4Cyber Greece, Fotini Papagiannaki – Cybersecurity Executive

Below were the discussion areas

About SheLeadsTech (SLT)

The SheLeadsTech program is geared towards “Fostering gender equity and inclusion in digital trust professions to advance and accelerate women into leadership roles”.

SheLeadsTech is the banner program of One In Tech dedicated to building a gender diverse and inclusive global community of cyber professionals.

Initiated in 2017, SheLeadsTech empowers women to enhance their professional skills and advocate for their career advancement.

SheLeadsTech also brings global awareness to the lack of gender diversity in all levels, particularly chief and executive positions, within tech fields.

Building on this important work, SheLeadsTech commits to providing comprehensive resources, services, event, and learning to accelerate careers as a core strategy.

SheLeadsTech vision is to ensure leadership career roles are accessible to everyone.

Objectives of SheLeadTech

  • Advance women leaders through global programs and initiatives that can be designed at the global level and scaled locally through ISACA’s chapters.
  • Provide current and prospective under-represented professionals with access to educational, professional skill, and career-building development to enter and advance within the cyber workforce
  • Create toolkits and resources that enable ISACA chapters and others to impact their local communities with digital workforce development learning resulting in global impact.
  • The SheLeadsTech program incorporates awards from the OIT Scholarship Program to support professional development and skill-building opportunities as well.
  • SheLeadsTech is an opportunity to make a difference as industries undergo ever faster digital transformations, and the need for talented and skilled professions grows with it. Therefore women cannot be left behind. There is need to prepare the next generation of female leadership, and women can become embedded in every part of the global economy.


SheLeadsTech provides events throughout the year hosted by both One In Tech directly and/or by ISACA Chapters within their SheLeadsTech groups. Events are held throughout the world, both online and in-person. These can include:

  • Panels and Guest Presentations
  • Career Fairs
  • Networking Sessions
  • Meetings, Webinars, Podcasts
  • Presentations within larger conferences (including ISACA conferences)
  • Education via newsletters and blogs
  • Engage Platform providing global communication platform for sharing and learning on SLT topics
  • Chapter-led event support

How to become engaged in the SheLeadsTech activities;

Join people of all genders in this global online community to discuss strategies that provide women the support and action they need to grow their careers and lead within the technology industry. You can contribute three 3 ways as described below:

Raise awareness;

  • Write a blog
  • share your story
  • Host a SheLeadsTech event
  • Be an ally
  • Join the SheLeadsTech engage community
  • Invite a friend to an SheLeadsTech event
  • Become a SheLeadsTech advocate

Preparing to Lead;

  • Join a board
  • Become a SheLeadsTech Liaison
  • Speak at a SheLeadsTech event
  • Be a mentor

Building Global Alliances

  • Be a voice of change
  • Participate in a day of advocacy
  • Know your government officials
  • Share our calls to action on your social media
  • Collaborate with other alliances/networks

SheLeadsTech Resources

A collection of resources to inform and support all those committed to supporting the SheLeadsTech mission. These resources can be utilized for building advocacy, awareness, and engagement. Examples of resources include:

  • The SheLeadsTech Toolkit: collection of documents and information to support Chapters and individuals in their SLT engagements
  • Marketing and Communication Toolkits
  • Research publications, articles, and mission-related news
  • Many other resources designed to support your own efforts to build Equity and Diversity in the workforce
  • Full SheLeadsTech On-Line Community on Engage platform

Learn more here www.oneintech.org

A highlight of my SheLeadsTech Journey

  • My first ever SheLeadsTech event that I attended was the Launch of SheLeadsTech Kenya in 2018.
  • Later that year, I expressed interest to volunteer as a SheLeadsTech Kenya Chapter Committee Member, 2019
  • In 2020, I was appointed as a Topic Leader on SheLeadsTech ISACA Engage platform. Relatedly, In March 2020, I was recognized by ISACA Global as a strong advocate for the SheLeadsTech Community, and I have continuously served as a Speaker on different SheLeadsTech events including those organized by ISACA Kampala Chapter, ISACA Kenya Chapter, and other women networks like CyberGirls Foundation, sitting on boards, Women in Tech Networks, WiCys, and AFWISN, purposely for mentoring women, lobbying for partnerships with institutions to engage more women in leadership, mentorship sessions for students in technology faculties, rising professional, written blogs and articles for international tech companies, etc.
  • In February 2023, I was appointed as Board Director, One In Tech Foundation.
  • So far I have collaborated with several ISACA Chapters to launch the SheLeadsTech initiative globally; these include the SheLeadsTech with Expertise for the ISACA Chicago Chapter, SheLeadsTech for the ISACA Athens Chapter etc..
  • Featured in the Daily Nation publication
  • Learn more about the OIT Leadership here



Published Author | Director, One In Tech, Foundation | Director, ISACA Board of Directors | IT Audit Professional | Speaker | Member of National Association for Corporate Directors | Vlogger | CISO | Global Mentor | Data Privacy Solutions Engineer | Award Winner in the Cybersecurity industry

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